laughing audience at seminar

Onsite Marriage Seminars

Fog, Friends & Fun Marriage Seminar

Currently, our marriage seminar consists of 4-6 fifty-minute sessions. We start with describing what the ‘mar­riage fog’ is and how it comes about. Then we discuss how to ‘defog the marriage.’ From there we transition to a session on husbands and wives becoming friends again and finish up with a session on ‘fun’ that is Biblically based.

The best maintenance program for anything is preventative maintenance. Marriages are no different. Hav­ing a marriage seminar in your church is a great way to keep the spark alive. Strong churches are built on strong families. Strong families are built on strong marriages. We encourage every church to provide this type of instruc­tion at least once or twice a year. The ripple effect, as a result, brings many benefits.

Schedule your Onsite Marriage Seminar!

For information on fees, see New Clients. For more information about our counseling services and/or to set an appointment with Dr. Daniel R Sirstad, refer to the Contact Us page.


The marriage seminar was very helpful and hit close to home.

This seminar was Scripturally based, practical and dealt with reality.

I feel blessed to have been able to attend this seminar. I am excited that my fiancé and I can use what we learned here.

This session led us on an adventure. It started with God’s creation then ended with God’s intention for His creation.

I think every married couple should come to this seminar. Rev. Sirstad not only is very funny and makes the class fun, but I believe my husband and I will walk away so much stronger in our marriage. Thank you so much.

I gained some helpful tips on how to manage & overcome anger in my marriage.

Learn About Our Founder

Dr. Daniel Sirstad