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Why Marriage Counseling?
With statistics indicating that nearly 50% of marriages now end in divorce, I think I can safely say that there are a lot of bad marriages today. Is yours one of them?
Have you been married for a while, and noticed some tendencies that you would like to see changed? Maybe you've been married before and are determined to make this one work. Are you newlyweds, convinced that the honeymoon will never end? Or maybe you are happily married, enjoying one blissful day after another, and just want to enhance your marriage and, get this, make things even better. Have you ever asked yourself, "Why can't we just get along?"
Married couples sometimes seem to fall in a rut, a negative cycle, that they can't seem to climb out of. If your relationship falls into any of these categories, we would like to introduce you to a counseling method that is proven over 93% effective in enhancing your marriage relationship and life experience.
The Temperament Therapy Approach
This method is known as the Arno Profile System (APS). It was developed in 1983 by Drs. Richard and Phyllis Arno. It is a series of questions that, when answered and then analyzed, will enable a trained counselor to identify your individual temperament. Temperament is the God-given, inborn nature of a person that determines how he or she interacts and reacts with people, circumstances, environments, situations and the world. Temperament is who we are on the inside, our inner man, and pinpoints our perception of who we are and the people who love us. Temperament is determined at conception and remains consistent throughout life. Your behavior may change, but your temperament will remain the same.
The APS will enable you to learn your unique temperament and answer the questions, "Why do I do the things I do?" or "Why do I keep making the same mistakes?" Instead, you will begin asking "How can I use my temperament for the glory of God?" The APS report details your strengths and weaknesses and gives suggestions for how to get your basic needs met and find balance in your life.
You really can overcome marital challenges and restore and renew your love for one another. You can experience a renewal of the passion and respect that was once evident in your relationship.
What Are The Benefits?
Through this counseling method, you can......
- express yourself more clearly
- come together and work as a team
- disagree without being disagreeable
- reason with each other
- bring out the best in each other
- see a return on your investment.
I can imagine your excitement about getting started; however, I must let you know that in order to achieve the joy and fulfillment of a great relationship, you must be prepared to do some work. You have to be willing to accept responsibility for what you feel, think and do. You must come to the point where you can admit that some of the problems come from you and not just your spouse. If you are willing to work on yourself, this counseling method can bring positive changes to your relationship.
Schedule your Marriage Counseling session today!
For information on fees, see New Clients. For more information about our counseling services and/or to set an appointment with Dr. Daniel R Sirstad, refer to the Contact Us page.