Affected or Infected?

Are you affected or infected?

There is a difference between being affected and infected. I think it is safe to say all of us have been affected by Covid-19, but the virus has not infected most of us.

To affect means to influence or alter. Each day we affect and are affected; we influence and are influenced; alter and are altered. We are affected by people and circumstances, and we affect people and events.

Lousy news affects us negatively, while good news affects us positively. Others influence the decisions we make.  We can be affected by good and bad alike.

Being infected takes life to another level. Infect has a couple of meanings: 1) To bring into contact with a substance that causes illness; or, 2) To make somebody enthusiastic about one’s passion.

If we look at the first definition, we can say sin has infected us all and that Christ is the antidote. He cleanses us from the infection entirely. In Him, we become a new creature. For this, we are incredibly thankful.

However, looking at the second definition, we can say once we have the antidote (Christ in us), we can infect others with our passion for Christ.

The entire world, to some degree, has been affected by Jesus Christ. People may not be aware but their life, regardless of their beliefs, has been influenced and altered by Jesus Christ. But being affected by Jesus Christ is not sufficient. People must receive the antidote in order to be free from sin.

What about you?

What about you? Are you only affecting relationships in your world, or are you infecting them also? Affecting is good. Infecting is better.

This is an excellent time for significant self-examination. Who or what is affecting you? Are you influencing your relationships positively or negatively? The level you can affect depends on the degree in which you are infected (2nd definition).

You may find yourself in need of a fresh dose of the antidote. Christ in us and us in Christ. What a combination!

If I can be of assistance to you let me know. It is always an honor.

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