Silent But Deadly!

I find it somewhat surprising and definitely disconcerting that many of us, as Apostolics, struggle with a basic tenet of Scripture.

As much as God has forgiven us of, as much as He has extended His grace toward us, many of us, preacher and saint, struggle with forgiving. We propagate the necessity of forgiving others and rightly so. And, we generally do not struggle with forgiving those to whom we are not close.

What has become apparent to me is the more significant the pain inflicted by those closest to us, or by those who should know better, or by those who attack those closest to us, the higher the likelihood of us developing an unforgiving spirit toward the ‘guilty party’ involved.

On numerous occasions, I have heard, “I will never forgive that person for what they did.”

Who among us has not been unjustly attacked by a fellow preacher or saint where the pain ran deep? If not all of us, indeed, the majority of us have experienced this. I know I have — more than once.

Spouses inflict pain on spouses. Children on parents. Parents on children. Preachers on saints. Saints on preachers. The list goes on.

I have heard many justify their unforgiving spirit and cloak it to appear acceptable. But it cannot be done. Unforgiveness will not remain silent forever. If left unresolved, unforgiveness is deadly. Unforgiveness will develop a host of other devastating emotions resulting in physical, emotional, and spiritual damage.

There is no person worth losing your soul over.

Please, examine yourself. Is there anyone you have not forgiven? Be honest.

If forgiving someone is not happening, recognize reality. Then, get help. Find someone trustworthy to walk with you through this process. Do not let unforgiveness continue. For your sake, for your family, for your church, and for your world.

Unforgiveness is deadly, and yes, it does stink!

If I can help, let me know.

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