Who is your Co-Pilot?

“Who is your Co-Pilot?” I remember this question being a big deal when I was a child. Brig. Gen. Robert L. Scott Jr., a World War II fighter ace, wrote a book in 1943 entitled “God Is My Co-Pilot.” If interested, you can read the history here.

In the church setting, it was almost a source of pride to say, “God is my Co-Pilot.” There was an extra level of spirituality assigned to those who could own the identity of God being their co-pilot. Picturing that in my mind was impressive. Picturing God sitting next to people I admired made me feel like I was in good company.

As I matured, it became apparent that having God as my co-pilot was a problem. It was not what God had in mind. God, as my co-pilot, allows me to control my life. The conscience can be assuaged from time to time by allowing God to take control until the pilot (me/you) retakes control.

Proverbs 3:5-6

One of my hallmark verses in my life, Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” 

I think it would be safe to say Solomon was the pilot in life, and God was his co-pilot. If the wisest man (other than Jesus) could not handle being the pilot of his life, how can we? We indeed have God’s Spirit inside us but we still decide how much of us we allow Him to control.

John the Baptist had it right when he figured out that for more of God to be in him, there had to be less of him in him. 

Rather than having God in the co-pilot seat, perhaps a better place for Him would be in the Pilot’s spot. As for us, it might be safer to be a passenger than sit in the co-pilot’s seat. 

In all things, let us echo the words of Jesus, “… nevertheless, not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42).

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