Talking To Your Teenager

“Fathers, do not provoke or irritate or fret your children—do not be hard on them or harass them: lest they be discouraged, and sullen, morose, and feel inferior, and frustrated; do not break their spirit.” Colossians 3:21 Amplified Bible

“And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” Deuteronomy 6:7 KJV

How to talk to your Teenager

  1. Be ready to listen — really listen.
  2. Tolerate differences.
  3. Never imply their feelings don’t matter.
  4. Pick your battles — make sure they are important, then win!
  5. “You ‘Train’ Children — but you ‘Guide’ Teenagers.”

Teenagers and their Friends

  1. Never criticize their friends — they are honor bound to defend them. Rather, encourage new friends.
  2. Open your house to his/her friends.
  3. Keep your teen busy in church activities.

Talking to your Teenager about Sex

  1. Recognize their Physical Urges.
  2. Admit your anxiety.
  3. Don’t try to be an expert.
  4. Teach the difference between love and sex.
  5. Teach the importance of keeping ourselves pure as a gift to our life companion.
  6. “It is better to put a fence at the top of the precipice than an ambulance down in the valley.”

Teenagers and Dating

  1. Don’t encourage “early” dating.
  2. Don’t encourage “pairing up.”
  3. Don’t encourage “car dates.”
  4. Do encourage alternate group activities.
  5. Open your house to the youth for good clean activities.
  6. Get your teenagers to Youth Rallies, Youth Camps, Bible Quizzing and Church Services.
  7. “When they rebel and hit the walls — do not move the boundaries. Pick them up, dust them off and set them back in the fences.”

How to Act when the Grades Go Down

  1. Be a Friend—not an Adversary.
  2. Look for the underlying reasons.
  3. Be realistic about your teen’s capabilities.

How to be a Friend to your Teenager

  1. Set Time aside -Set up a ‘Date’.
  2. Find an Activity you both enjoy.
  3. Be a good Listener.
  4. Be Honest with them.
  5. Forgive and Forget.
  6. Respect your Teens privacy.
  7. Don’t Judge.
  8. Be generous with Praise.
  9. Set reasonable Limits.
  10. Encourage Decision-making.
  11. Hope they make some Mistakes.
  12. Allow them the Consequences.
  13. Say, “I love you!” — Often.
  14. Give privileges only when Teens can take on the Responsibilities.

Your Teenager and Your God

  1. Will accept you—and then your God [Ruth 1:16].
  2. Must find God for Himself [Gen.26: 18].
  3. Have Faith in God’s promises.

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