It is difficult for some people to accept affection. There are those that struggle with accepting affection on the surface, beneath the surface or both.
Relationships deteriorate when affection is given but not received. This can happen with spouses, between parents and children, with siblings, and in a variety of other relationships.
It is possible for an individual not to be able or willing to accept affection from God.
Not accepting affection develops into a very lonely journey and is relationally destructive.
There are many reasons why this can happen. Usually being closed to affection is the result of past pain or trauma, which needs to be addressed. But this is not always the case. There are those who don’t know how to accept affection or they struggle to do so.
Be Present In The Moment
Let me offer something for you to consider. An important step is for you to position yourself appropriately. To accept affection, you must be in the presence of the one providing the affection. This can be done either physically or vocally.
In addition, you must be present mentally and emotionally. This may sound elementary but it is true nonetheless. In order to accept affection, you must be present and in tune with what is happening. Your mind must be present and aware.
This is true with humans and it is true with God.
Many times, love is missed because the target is present but not present. In order to accept love, one must be present with body, soul, and spirit.
Try it. One step at a time. You may find it simply transformational. You have a need to be loved. So, be loved! Accept the affection of those around you. Accept God’s love and affection for you. Allow it to happen.
Then, let the affection and love flow through you.
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