To Be Known by God.
We live in a world exploding with information. People trip over themselves trying to gain knowledge, whether it is accurate or not. But knowing does not guarantee us anything. Knowledge alone does not satisfy the soul. What does satisfy is being known.
Curt Thompson, MD, says, “The process of being known is the vessel in which our lives are kneaded and molded, lanced and sutured, confronted and comforted, bringing God’s new creation closer to its fullness in preparation for the return of the King.”
We tend to spend more time and value knowing God rather than being known by God. Paul expressed his desire to know God (Philippians 3:10). To the Corinthians, Paul said God knows the one that loves God. Both are important for sure. One without the other is incomplete.
Who is in control?
If we are not careful, we can get caught up in only pursuing knowing God. We tend to prefer knowing rather than being known because it gives us a false sense of security and a sense of control. The more we think we are in ‘control,’ the less we have to trust God since we ‘need’ Him less. At least, that is what our mind tells us.
Our ‘need’ to control can lead us to depression, anxiety, substance abuse, or other addictive behaviors developing in our lives. Sometimes without us having a clue until we are in its clutches.
Who is worthy?
The problem with allowing ourselves to be known by God is it places us in a highly vulnerable position. To be known, you have to trust someone else with yourself. That is scary. Even with God. When we allow ourselves to be known by God, He can assess our worth.
The truth is He already has. His shed blood has made us worthy from the day of our conception. This idea of being made worthy is challenging for many to comprehend. What matters, though, is what we do with that worthiness.
To be known is to be pursued and loved. To be known means you expose your shame and guilt in exchange for healing.
God wants to be known by us. We should want to be known by Him. The extent to which you know God directly reflects your experience of being known by Him. And the degree he knows you will be reflected in how you are known by people.
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