Apostolic Moral Purity Update

Apostolic Moral Purity is now over 27 months old. Much has happened during that time, for which we are grateful. For those not aware, Apostolic Moral Purity (AMP) became an endorsed entity of the UPCI during the October General Conference.

Apostolic Moral Purity has the vision to reach every Apostolic man and woman battling pornography and sexual addictions with the message that you are not alone and that there is hope. Many are responding to this message.

What AMP Has Accomplished in 2022

In 2022, AMP reached over 34,000 users and has 1,200 followers on Facebook. We posted 50 video resources on YouTube, which had over 4,300 views. We have 203 subscribers to the Apostolic Moral Purity channel on YouTube.

In April, AMP began its Recovery Group for Men. There are two recovery meetings weekly, with two more added by the year’s end. Also, AMP has a weekly Christ-centered 12-step meeting. To date, over 50 men have enrolled in the program.

In November, AMP began a Support Group for Betrayed Wives. There is one meeting a week. Currently, 8-10 wives meet weekly. In January, we will start a Recovery Group for Betrayed Wives. 

Through the assistance of DayStar Ministries, the parent organization, AMP provides clinical counseling to those with sexual addictions and walks the couple through the steps of recovery for the addict, the spouse, and the marriage. 

In 2023, AMP’s goal is to begin a female recovery group and a support group for betrayed husbands. We plan to duplicate the various aspects of AMP in the Spanish language. Other languages will be provided as we are able. AMP will also be expanding to multiple different countries throughout the world.

AMP’s first Moral Purity Conference will be May 11-12, 2023, in Bloomington, Illinois. This conference will provide resources and assistance to Pastors and Ministry Leaders on how to help those battling sexual addictions.

What You Can Do

To accomplish all this and more, we need your help. Apostolic Moral Purity is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Could you help us with a one-time or monthly offering? AMP is looking to raise $25,000 between now and the end of the year. Here is the link to contribute online: https://qrco.de/bdWg9A. You may also mail a check to AMP • 900 SW Riverview Way • Troutdale, OR 97060.

If you or someone you know needs help in battling pornography and, or sexual addiction, please get in touch with me. We are a safe place and respect confidentiality.

Merry Christmas to you all!

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