Apostolic Moral Purity

Apostolic Moral Purity

“I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting;” (1 Timothy 2:8).

Paul gives men three requirements to be a godly man:

  1. Lift up holy hands in prayer. (Having a body free from sin.)
  2. Worship without anger. (Have a spirit free from anger.)
  3. Worship without doubting. (Have a mind free of doubt.)


Maintaining a life of moral purity involves each of the above ingredients.

Over the last few years, I have worked with several individuals regarding moral purity. Several months ago, after working with a gentleman, I felt impressed to pursue a platform, on a larger scale, that would initially accommodate thousands of Apostolic men and subsequently Apostolic women.

Why do we need to do this?

The purpose will be two-fold. First, to help people break free from carnal desires, such as pornography, and obtain, then maintain moral purity in their Christian life. Statistics show that 64% of Christian men say they watch porn at least once a month. The second purpose is to help those that want to help those that need help by being a resource.

As a result, I began working with a group of men across the continent to bring about this vision’s formation. We recognize there are tremendous Christian programs already in existence. However, we have not found one that incorporates the Holy Ghost’s power as we know Him.

A 3-tier system

To this point, we have developed a 3-tier system:

  1. An online meeting incorporating anonymity, which will propagate the message that you are not alone, and we will fight this battle together. Real-life testimonies will be part of this meeting. Confidentiality and anonymity will be respected.
  2. Online meetings, made up of smaller groups, to provide instruction to be an overcomer in Christ.
  3. Online meetings, dealing with real-life issues Apostolic men face continuously.


Developing this is not a small task. We currently have writers writing and designers designing.  We do need someone with zoom proficiency, and we need seed money. A website is being developed where you will be able to donate funds: the address is morallypure.com or apostolicmoralpurity.com, or you can mail a check to Apostolic Moral Purity, 900 SW Riverview Way, Troutdale, OR 97060. If any of this resonates with you, contact me: dsirstad@dsministries.com or 503-481-2934 (PST).

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