I Know Abraham, For He Will Command His Children

“For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.” (Genesis 18:19).

The family, under God, is not a democracy! We are all equal in worth, but have been assigned definite and differing roles within the family structure. Contrary to modern day thinking, there is a line of delegated authority and this authority is mandated by God Almighty.

“But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” I Corinthians 11:3

This scripture plainly shows that the family, as in the church, is designed to be a “Theocracy”. God is the head of the family and He has delegated this “head ship” to the man within the family. With this responsibility comes the authority to command his own household. God expects him to provide benevolent leadership for his family in the major decisions. Man is the manager of the family. Good managers always ask for impute before making a decision, but the decision is made, and the responsibility assumed, by the manager. Men today are uncertain as to their authority, thus they are not taking the lead. What greater authority do you need than God’s Word and God’s plan for the family?

In holding with Bible Principles, the man is to protect and provide for his wife and children. This God-given role is being challenged and turned upside down. Men today do not know how they are to act, they are uncertain as to their function as well as their role; this has lead to inaction and a vacuum has developed in place of family leadership. Any institution that has no leadership soon flounders. Any vacuum does not so remain for long, so the wife or even the children are in command in our homes today.

Men, God expects you to be in command in your own family. To be a dictator? No! To take assertive leadership? Yes! Especially in spiritual things. God knew that Abraham would “Command his children and his household after him.” How?

1.”They shall keep the way of the Lord”

There was no question or debate in my home, growing up, as to the principles we were following or to the priorities within my family. God’s ways and God’s house took president. My father “commanded” it so. There was no discussion as to where I would be at church time, I was to be in church. No high school function ever took me out of church. There was no negotiation as to where I was to sit in church, I would be sitting up front or with my parents. I had no problems with talking or “gum chewing” in church, my father saw to that.

Even today, I have no problem determining where I will be on any given Sunday; I will be in church. Dad commanded then and I still hear his marching orders.

2.”To do Justice and Judgment”

There should be no question as what principles will be followed in your home. All justice and judgment must be based upon God’s Word, but, all judgment must also have an enforcer for there to be justice.

Men, God has made you the enforcer.

Men, your children will never learn justice and judgment unless they see it modeled and enforced.

Men, God will hold you responsible for commanding your children and your household. You need no other authority than God’s Word. Use your authority wisely, lovingly and prayerfully–but assertively assume your command.

“In matters of taste, float with the waves. In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” -Thomas Jefferson

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